티스토리 뷰

1. helm

1)  헬름 차트: 애플리케이션 설치에 사용되는 네트워크, 스토리지, 보안과 관련된 여러 쿠버네티스 리소스를 묶어놓은 패키지 

- 디렉토리 구조로 구서오디어 있으며, 각 디렉토리, 파일들은 리소스를 정의한다. 

- 헬름 차트를 통해 개별 리소스 마다 하나씩 별도로 설치하지 않고 일괄 설치 

2) 헬름리포지토리: 다양한 헬름 차트를 저장하고 공유하는 저장소

3) helm 설치

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]#  curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# chmod 700 get_helm.sh
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# ./get_helm.sh
Downloading https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.17.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Verifying checksum... Done.
Preparing to install helm into /usr/local/bin
helm installed into /usr/local/bin/helm
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm
The Kubernetes package manager

Common actions for Helm:

- helm search:    search for charts
- helm pull:      download a chart to your local directory to view
- helm install:   upload the chart to Kubernetes
- helm list:      list releases of charts

- 레포지토리 추가

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
"bitnami" has been added to your repositories
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm search repo bitnami
NAME                                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION

bitnami/airflow                                 22.4.7          2.10.4          Apache Airflow is a tool to express and execute...
bitnami/apache                                  11.3.2          2.4.63          Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP serve...
bitnami/apisix                                  4.0.0           3.11.0          Apache APISIX is high-performance, real-time AP...
bitnami/appsmith                                5.1.10          1.59.0          Appsmith is an open source platform for buildin...
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm repo list
bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami

2. helm을 활용한 nginx 설치

1) 레포지토리에 nginx 찾기 

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm search repo nginx
NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION

bitnami/nginx                           18.3.5          1.27.3          NGINX Open Source is a web server that can be a...
bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller        11.6.7          1.12.0          NGINX Ingress Controller is an Ingress controll...
bitnami/nginx-intel                     2.1.15          0.4.9           DEPRECATED NGINX Open Source for Intel is a lig...

2) nginx pull

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# helm pull bitnami/nginx
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# ls
get_helm.sh  kube-ps1  nginx-18.3.5.tgz

3) nginx 압축해제

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# tar xvfz nginx-18.3.5.tgz
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# rm -rf nginx-18.3.5.tgz
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# mv nginx/ nginx-12.0.4
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P ~ (ubun01:default)]# cd nginx-12.0.4/

4) value 설정

- helm에서 리소스를 설치할 떄 필요한 변수를 values를 통해 설정한다. 

cp values.yaml my-values.yaml

vi my-values.yaml
## @param replicaCount Number of NGINX replicas to deploy
replicaCount: 2 #수정

5) nginx 설치

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:default)]# k create ns nginx
namespace/nginx created
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:default)]# k ns nginx
Context "ubun01" modified.
Active namespace is "nginx".
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:nginx)]# helm install nginx -f my-values.yaml
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: must either provide a name or specify --generate-name
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:nginx)]# helm install nginx -f my-values.yaml .

6) 확인

[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:nginx)]# helm ls
NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART          APP VERSION
nginx   nginx           1               2025-02-01 18:27:38.405339026 +0900 KST deployed        nginx-18.3.5   1.27.3
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:nginx)]# k get po,deploy,svc
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/nginx-74dc7bcf4d-c5tp6   1/1     Running   0          33s
pod/nginx-74dc7bcf4d-cdmlh   1/1     Running   0          32s

NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/nginx   2/2     2            2           33s

NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/nginx   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:32199/TCP,443:30972/TCP   33s
[root@DESKTOP-ARLDN2P nginx-12.0.4 (ubun01:nginx)]# helm get manifest nginx #helm 설치 내용 확인


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